A Skilled Lawyer Guiding You Through Divorce And All Family Law Situations

A Monmouth County Divorce Attorney With More Than 30 Years Of Experience

Divorce is fraught with emotion, but you can navigate it clearheadedly with the assistance of an experienced attorney. At John A. Patti, Esq., in New Jersey’s Monmouth County, founding attorney John A. Patti uses over 30 years of experience to guide his clients through the often-turbulent waters of divorce. He handles mediation, arbitration and traditional litigation with compassion and skill.

As a certified matrimonial law attorney, he can help you find positive outcomes regarding:

  • Assets division: Obtain an equitable property distribution arrangement that protects your finances.
  • Spousal support: Determine a fair alimony amount, whether you are the supporting or dependent spouse.
  • Child custody: Uphold your parental rights and preserve the best interests of your children.
  • Child support: Ensure that your child’s needs are provided for via adequate financial support.

Even in the uncertainty of the current pandemic, Mr. Patti can help you with all issues relating to your divorce, whether it is contentious or noncontentious. Along the way, he will explain your rights and guide you through the many complex steps until you arrive at the next stage of your life.

Work With A Lawyer Certified In Matrimonial Law

It is rare to find an attorney recognized by the Supreme Court of New Jersey for his marital law practice. The Supreme Court has certified Mr. Patti in matrimonial law, which means that he has completed extensive training and education in the field. This serves as a testament to his skill in handling divorce issues for his clients.

Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce

Mr. Patti is an experienced New Jersey divorce attorney. He has helped Monmouth County and Red Bank families get the help they need. With over 30 years of experience, Mr. Patti has answered many questions about divorce. Here is a collection of questions clients have asked:

What are the grounds for divorce in New Jersey?

A spouse can file for divorce based on specific grounds. They can declare what grounds impacted their marriage. The following are grounds used in New Jersey:

  • Irrevocable differences
  • Adultery
  • Abandonment
  • Extreme cruelty
  • Drug addiction
  • Mental illness
  • Imprisonment

To meet the requirements for a grounds divorce based on separation, spouses must live physically apart for 18 consecutive months with no reasonable prospect of reconciliation.

How do assets get split in a New Jersey divorce?

Couples may have the opportunity to decide how assets acquired during their marriage are distributed in a divorce. If a couple cannot decide the distribution of assets by themselves, then the decision may be left to a judge. New Jersey is an equitable distribution state. Instead of assets being split 50/50, several considerations are made to determine a fair distribution of assets. These considerations may include the following:

  • Length of the marriage
  • Each spouse’s earning capacity
  • The need for child support or spousal support
  • Each spouse’s health
  • Tax considerations

High-asset divorces can be especially complicated because of the vastness of the marital estate. Couples may need to go through an extensive divorce process to identify, value and distribute assets, such as luxury items, businesses, investments and retirement accounts. To help ensure the marital estate is distributed fairly, attorney representation may be needed.

Does it matter who files for divorce first in Monmouth County?

No. The spouse who files for divorce first is not given any inherent rights to decide how their marriage ends. However, a spouse can have a strategic advantage by filing first, such as taking action to resolve the divorce process quickly and deciding which jurisdiction the divorce proceedings will occur in.

How long does it take to get a divorce in New Jersey?

Depending on the complexity of a divorce and whether a couple can decide to amicably resolve a divorce, the process can take three months to over a year to settle. An attorney can help couples gather paperwork to quickly settle a divorce.

Get Trustworthy Guidance For Your Divorce

When you are considering ending your marriage, seek counsel from a certified attorney. To contact Mr. Patti for an initial consultation, reach out to John A. Patti, Esq.. Please call 732-913-3631 or send an email today.

Serving individuals in Monmouth, Middlesex and Ocean counties.