You know that you can get a restraining order if your spouse actually abuses you and if you are a victim of domestic violence. The goal of the restraining order is to force them to keep a set distance so that you are no longer in danger. They may also be prohibited...
Domestic Violence
Do you need an Extreme Risk Protective Order (ERPO)?
An Extreme Risk Protection Order, or ERPO, comes from the Extreme Risk Protective Order Act of 2018. In that act, it established a method of preventing the respondent from possessing, purchasing, owning or receiving ammunition or firearms. It also stops the respondent...
Can I get a restraining order if I was not hit?
A restraining order offers the person holding one a sense of safety from someone that could continue harming them. While these orders provide security, not everyone can earn one. Can someone who is not a victim of physical abuse obtain a restraining order? As many as...